(English follows)
SACCJ・JMEC 共同プロジェクト へのご協力のお願い
昨年のSACCJ総会において、今年開催される第26回JMEC (Japan Market Expansion Competition)にSACCJがクライアント団体として参加することが、会員の皆様の多数決により決定いたしました。
_JMEC26 Program Description.pdf
Dear SACCJ Members:
SACCJ JMEC Project: Your Cooperation Requested
At last year’s General Assembly, the SACCJ membership approved the Chamber becoming a client of the 26th JMEC (Japan Market Expansion Competition).
JMEC is a 25-year-old business training program centered on a business plan writing competition. JMEC assigns a team to each of their clients, to create a business plan for them. The teams are trained, mentored and tested by professionals over several months to research and deliver their business plans. JMEC is supported by 18 foreign Chambers of Commerce in Japan including the SACCJ (please see the attachment for more information).
The JMEC process has started, and JMEC has stood up a team, “Invictus”, for our project. The Invictus Team is tasked with coming up with a three-year business plan for the SACCJ that will give us direction to strengthen our services to current members, attract new members, and overall strengthen the Chamber and improve its sustainability.
As part of this work, the Invictus Team will be deploying a survey to all of our Members from around 19 February 2020. I would like to ask for your cooperation in taking part in this survey. Your opinions and insights will be very important for the team to formulate their business plan.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support of this important initiative.
_JMEC26 Program Description.pdf
Jaco Minnaar
SACCJ Chairperson