South African Chamber of Commerce in Japan
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South African Chamber of commerce in japan


  • 3 Dec 2019 12:42 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    Kawasaki-city Rugby Football Association will be holding a Rugby event on 14 December at the following location from 12:00. South Africans are welcome to join and play Rugby with the South African Embassy team.

    For details, please contact Kajiya-san, the event organizer, 

    Chester's cup 2019.pdf





    主催: 川崎市ラグビーフットボール協会                                                                                    

    協賛:Seven Oath's, KOTO CORPORATION                                                                                                                                                                                      

    日時: 12月14日(土) 12:00~18:00                                                                                          

    場所: 等々力第一サッカー場(人工芝)                                                                                              



    12:10  第一部チーム受付ブリーフィング                                                                                        

    14:40  第二部チーム受付ブリーフィング                                                                                        











                  谷口かずひと 川尻竜太郎 片桐伸也                                                                             



    ①          一回戦   12:45     ユーグリ              N.FIJI                               

    ②          一回戦   13:10     八王子不惑          曼荼羅ひぐらし                               

    ③          敗者戦   13:35                                                            

                  三位四位表彰式   14:00                                                            

    ④          決勝戦   14:05                                                             

                  優勝準優勝表彰式             14:30                                                            


    *     交流試合(30分枠) 14:35     川崎O'JINZ         南アフリカ大使館&有志                      



    ⑤        一回戦   15:15     クラシックス      川崎キッズヒーローズ                                 

    ⑥          一回戦   15:40     フィーバーズ      エーコンクラブ                              

    ⑦          敗者戦   16:05                                                            

                  三位四位表彰式   16:30                                                            

    ⑧          決勝戦   16:35                                                             

                  優勝準優勝表彰式             17:00                                                            


    17:15 片付け(川崎O'JINZ)                                                                                              

    18:00 完全撤収                                                                                      


    *  引き分けの場合は抽選 *決勝戦が引き分けの場合22m/15mの地点よりゴールキック合戦                                                                                                 

    *    保険対応は各自チームにてお願いいたします。                                                                                                  

    *    大会参加費として1チーム5千円お願い致します。                                         

    *    タッチジャッジについては当該試合にて各チームより選出願います。                                                            

    *    出場資格35歳以上                                                                                                                                                                         

    *    試合メンバーにおいて、白、紺、赤、黄の人数に制限無し、自由。メンバー入れ替え自由。                                                                                              

    *    白パンの選手からの赤パン、白紺パンから黄パンへのタックルは無し(フリーキック)                                                                                           

    *    スクラムはノンコンテスト                                                                                        

    *  ローカルルール以外はIRBルール適用                                                                                                 

    *    ポイント式スパイク着用可能                                                                                    

    *    服装はワールドラグビー規則に準拠                                                                                        

    *    シャワー室は完備しておりますが、全員が一度に入るほどの更衣室がありません。着替えについては青空となりますことご容赦ください。                                                                                          

    *    ~チェスター・ウィリアムズを偲んで~記念Tシャツと記念品を販売致します。数多くの購入をお願い申し上げます。                                                                                             

    *    試合後三ちゃん食堂にてファンクションを行いますので奮ってご参加ください。                                                        

    川崎市ラグビーフットボール協会大会事務局 加治屋/西村                                                     

    川崎市ラグビーフットボール協会 会長 橋本 

  • 28 Nov 2019 16:49 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    The 2019 SACCJ Year-End Gala Event was held on 14 November at Roppongi Hills Club. We ’d like to extend our thanks to all of you for spending the terrific evening with us. Also, we would like to thank the donators for your generous donation to the Raffle. Hope everybody enjoyed the South African wines and food, the live African entertainment and even the dancing!

    It is through the support of Members that the SACCJ has been able to continue its activities over the past 11 years. We appreciate your continued support of and involvement in the Chamber.





  • 28 Nov 2019 16:32 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    A South African artist, William Kentridge, won the Praemium Imperiale which is a global arts prize awarded annually by the Japan Art Association.  Read more 

  • 28 Nov 2019 16:12 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    Rio Tinto Aluminum is hosting the Japan Sustainability Forum, supported by the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI).

    The ASI aims to achieve a sustainable global aluminum value chain by providing common standards and a third-party certification mechanism. The Japan Sustainability Forum provides an opportunity to learn about the ASI’s vision and its role, and to hear how global leaders in the aluminum value chain are taking steps toward sustainability.

    Rio Tinto Aluminum, as one of the ASI’s founding members, supports the Japan Sustainability Forum to contribute the Japanese aluminum industry’s ESG journey and sustainable growth.

    Date: Monday, 9 December 2019

    Time: Seminar 13:00-17:00 (Doors open: 12:30) / Reception 17:00-19:00

    Venue: Fukuracia Marunouchi Oazo C-Room

    Registration Fee: Free

    Registration: Please click HERE 

    For more details, please click HERE

  • 9 Sep 2019 12:52 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    The SACCJ is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Springboks great Chester Williams on September 6 of a heart attack in Cape Town.

    We were honored to host this rugby legend at an event in Japan in July 2014 and were looking forward seeing him back here for the Rugby World Cup.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and colleagues.

  • 28 Aug 2019 16:56 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    Come join us on 14 November at the Roppongi Hills Club for our annual Year-End Gala Party! This year we’ll be celebrating high above the city at the elegant Roppongi Hills Club. On offer will be a delicious buffet dinner including South African dishes, South African wines, live music and of course our lottery.


    Date:  Thursday, 14 November

    Time:  6:30pm - 9:30pm 

    Venue: Roppongi Hills Club


    More details and reservation information coming soon!

    If you are interested in providing prizes for our lottery or promoting your business at the event, please contact

  • 12 Mar 2019 10:11 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    Fellow South African,

    South Africans living or travelling abroad will be able to cast their votes at one of the 121 foreign missions around the world on Freedom Day, 27 April 2019. 

    To vote abroad you need to complete a VEC10 form by 13 March

    You will not be able to vote at a diplomatic mission overseas on Saturday, 27 April if you have not submitted a VEC10 form on the IEC's website by 13 March at midnight (UTC+02:00). 

    It only takes 2 minutes! 

    The VEC10 is an important form that all South Africans abroad will have to submit to the IEC to tell them that they plan to vote overseas and at which voting station they plan to vote. 

    Even as submissions of the VEC10 forms continue to be received by the IEC on their website, it is concerning to note that only 16,597 VEC10 forms have been submitted by South Africans to notify the IEC that they intend to vote out of the country. 

    This is considerably lower than the voter turnout in 2014 and especially low considering the number of South Africans that live abroad. We know it isn't easy to vote, but we also know that there are hundreds of South Africans living around the world who are eligible to vote, but don't know that they can vote and that they have to complete the VEC10 form. 

    Please share this message with your friends and family abroad to ensure they don't miss this unique opportunity to make their voices heard. 

    Together, we can build One South Africa for All but this starts with voting for an honest and caring government. 

    Please note: 

    • If you registered abroad to vote, you must still complete the VEC10 form
    • If you completed a VEC10 form in a previous election, you must complete it againin order to vote in the 2019 election. 
    • Finally, in order to vote you must be on the voters’ roll, and must have BOTH a valid SA ID book/temporary ID/smart ID card and an SA passport. You can only vote in person at your nearest South African foreign mission on 27 April. 



  • 2 Nov 2018 10:43 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    Thanks to the Raffle Prize Sponsors, we have great raffle prizes for the SACCJ Christmas Gala Party. Don’t miss the chance to win one of these great prizes! Stay tuned for more!



    South African Airways

    2 Round trip economy class tickets between Hong Kong and Cape Town via Johannesburg

    ヨハネスブルグ経由 香港ーケープタウン間 往復航空券2(エコノミークラス)




    Diamond jewelry




    Euro Merican Fashions

    Several prizes for bespoke sports jackets, trousers and shirts




    Table Mountain

    Premium South African Wine




    Rio Tinto

    Premium South African Wine


  • 15 Oct 2018 23:31 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    SACCJ board of directors would like to thank all of you for attending the SACCJ Braai at the Ambassadors Residence held on 14 Oct.

    First of all, we would like to sincerely thank Ambassador DLOMO for his kindness and generosity for letting us use his beautiful residence for our event.

    Special thanks goes out to our platinum corporate and individual members for attending and inviting their guests.


    We would like to also thank Mr. Yamashita, the mayor of Kamisato machi in Saitama, for attending and giving our members a chance to enjoy special seasonal NASHIs / Japanese pears from his area.


    We hope all of you had a good time and enjoyed the South African food and wine a lot.


    Thank you so much for your continuous cooperation and support.


    Look forward to seeing you again soon.


    1014日に行われましたSACCJ Braai at Ambassadors Residenceにつきまして、ご参加いただきました皆様にSACCJ理事一同より心からお礼申し上げます。

    在日南アフリカ共和国大使 サイレンス・ロモ 閣下におかれましては、イベントのために大使公邸庭園を快くお貸しいただけたことを感謝申し上げます。


    また、埼玉県上里町 山下町長様におかれましては、温かいお言葉をいただき、さらにめったに食べることができない「新高」梨をたくさんいただきありがとうございました。






  • 27 Sep 2018 18:59 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)


    We regret to inform you that SACCJ Braai at Ambassador's Residence taking place on 29th September will be postponed  because of the bad weather forecast for Saturday.  We will shortly announce a new date, while the venue and timing of the event will remain the same.

    Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences this may cause you. 

    Wewill issue full refunds to those who cannot attend on the new date. 

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

    Again, thank you very much for your understanding and look forward to seeing you soon.



    SACCJ Braai at Ambassador’s Residence』延期のお知らせ

       9月29日(土)に開催予定の『SACCJ Braai at Ambassador’s Residence』は、当日悪天候が予想されるため、大変申し訳ありませんが、やむなく延期とさせていただくことと致しましたのでお知らせいたします。新しい日程は、現在調整中ですので、決まり次第再度ご連絡申し上げます。(日程の変更のみで場所と時間の変更はございません。)


       日程変更のためご都合がつかず、返金をご希望の場合は、銀行口座への返金 もしくはPaypal経由で全額返金いたします。詳細は追ってご連絡させていただきます。


                 連絡先:在日南アフリカ商工会議所 事務局


The South African Chamber of Commerce in Japan was established in 2008 to promote trade and commerce as well as enhance friendship and cultural understanding between the two nations. The SACCJ strives to be a reliable first point of contact for businesses and individuals related to South Africa in Japan, and to provide our members with access to a wealth of information and contacts to assist in their projects, ventures and businesses.



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