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  • 20 Oct 2024 15:02 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

    United Nations University


    The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in a Multipolarizing World

    A conversation with Derrick Swartz, the Science, Technology and Innovation advisor to Nelson Mandela University in South Africa

    Friday, 25 October 2024, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
    Reception will follow

    United Nations University, Tokyo [MAP]

    The United Nations University cordially invites you to attend “The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in a Multipolarizing World”, with Derrick Swartz.

    Science, technology and innovation, particularly within public universities, can play a role in promoting adjustment of the international system towards embracing more inclusive, democratic and workable multilateralism. Today there are clear shifts away from unipolarity involving large segments of Asia, Africa and Latin America on dialogues about a common future.

    What seems to be less clear, however, is if common cause will be found on a reformed system of global governance (particularly in the UN system) and the capacities required to enable humanity to find effective responses to longstanding challenges of under-development and global social inequality, as well as new existential challenges facing humanity.

    Derrick Swartz will join UNU Rector Tshilidzi Marwala for a discussion on the role of science, technology and innovation in fostering global cooperation. What are the current challenges facing multilateralism? What role can universities, particularly those in the Global South, play in finding solutions to global challenges? What are the prospects for the Pact for the Future?

    Please note that this event will be in English only; Japanese interpretation will not be provided. Advance registration (by 24 October at 15:00) is required.

    Please be prepared to present identification at check-in.

    We look forward to welcoming you to this important event. 


  • 28 Aug 2024 22:18 | Katsura Ogishima (Administrator)

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The South African Chamber of Commerce in Japan was established in 2008 to promote trade and commerce as well as enhance friendship and cultural understanding between the two nations. The SACCJ strives to be a reliable first point of contact for businesses and individuals related to South Africa in Japan, and to provide our members with access to a wealth of information and contacts to assist in their projects, ventures and businesses.



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